Painted vs Bare Wood Which one is the best?

Short answer is it depends.

Wooden Toy Car - Unfinished - 1932 Ford Sedan - Hot Rod
Wooden Toy Car - Unfinished - 1932 Ford Sedan - Hot Rod

Painted vs Bare Wood is a complex question with no easy answer. In my limited experience, kids go for colors every time. Adults go for wood. I get the same message from experienced sellers.

I've sat with my grandson on my lap looking at photos of toys and asik which he liked best. Very nearly 100% of the time he picks the painted toy.  When he plays the bright colored toys are the ones he goes for.

Kids are not surfing Etsy stores for toys. The listings in my store that get the most hits and the most favorites always seem to be the painted ones. I'm guessing that the color photos grab their eye and get them in the store. Sales are about half and half. This also holds true in my YouTube channel. The video that consistently gets the most views is the one that has an icon with the brightest color.

Wooden Toy Car - Painted - Lavender - 1932 Ford Sedan - Hot Rod
Wooden Toy Car - Painted - Lavender - 1932 Ford Sedan - Hot Rod

Who is your target market? Do you want to crank out Play Pals by the hundreds hit them a lick and a promise with some sandpaper and throw them in your Etsy store and hope someone will buy them. Or do you have a specific market in mind.

The bottom line is: "You need to know who your target market is." Your selling toys for children but the parents have the money. I haven't figured out who my customers are yet. I'll just have to keep trying until I do.


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