Wood Toy Car, Bat Car from the Play Pal Series, Handmade from Hardwood Plywood 744993944

Handmade Wood Toy Bat Car/Batmobile from the Play Pal Series made from Hardwood Core Plywood and Finished with Amber Shellac with Metallic Blue Acrylic Paint on the Hubs Buy Now: https://www.etsy.com/listing/744993944/ While I was breaking down a piece of furniture (bed), I found a small piece of plywood with hardwood cores. I have never seen plywood like this anywhere. Today the plywood we get only has a thin veneer and cheap pine on the inside with lots of knots and voids. I wet the plywood with some mineral spirits to see what it might look like with some clear finish. It looked great. The plywood was small and about 3/8-inch thick. I cut it in half and glued the two pieces together to make it thick enough to make a toy car. The bat car was not my first choice, but my choices were limited, and I had no other car that fit the pieces of wood I had. The finish is amber shellac except for the hubs painted with metallic blue acrylic. I like the way it looks and seriously consider...