Powered Sanders I Use For Making Toys And Scroll Saw Projects
Klingspor Sanding Mop Mounted On A Drill Press See my shop here. Shopsmith 6" Belt Sander - Useful for curved edges and flat surfaces that I want to remove material quickly. The best tool I have for sanding wheels to size. Shopsmith Disc Sander - Sometimes used for making wheels. Although this is not a powered operation, these are use full for sanding small flat parts. Delta 1" belt sander - It does a great job on outside edges and can be used for some inside curves. I also have the Shopsmith version, which does the same thing and lets me do inside sanding. Klingspor Sanding Mop - Expensive, but worth the cost. Removes most fuzzies and leaves a silky smooth surface. Klingspor Mac Mop - Similar to a sanding mop but a bit more aggressive. Ridgid Spindle Sander - Great for sanding inside curves as small as a 1/2 inch radius. It also has an oscillating belt sander. Random Orbital Sanders - I use these for sanding flat ...