
Showing posts with the label Toy Tow Truck

20240621-055502 Toymakers Shop - Tow Truck - Purple - Complete - Handmade wooden toy tow truck is completed and ready for shipping.

Buy Now   This is a handcrafted wooden toy tow truck, freshly completed and ready for shipping. This piece is the most popular of my five-truck fleet, notable for its unique ability to tow the other trucks in the set. The truck's body is hand-painted with several coats of purple acrylic paint. The wheels, finished with amber shellac, add a touch of classic elegance to its modern design.   Material: High-quality wood Finish: Hand-painted with purple acrylic paint; wheels finished with amber shellac Functionality: Capable of towing other trucks in the fleet Customization: Available in various colors or unfinished for your personal touch. Custom orders are welcome. Add this unique, handcrafted tow truck to your collection or gift it to inspire creativity and play. Perfect for collectors, children, and anyone who appreciates the beauty of handmade toys. Order now to bring this purple marvel into your world.  

20240619-064829 Toymakers Shop - Tow Truck - Axels - Crafting the Axles for a Wooden Toy Tow Truck

My Five Truck Fleet In my workshop, I'm crafting a wooden toy tow truck. The focus today is on the axles, which are three wooden dowels. They are held by spring clamps on a custom pegboard, allowing both ends to be painted simultaneously. The tips are painted purple to match the truck's body. In the background, there are various wooden toys and ornaments in progress. The next steps include assembling the truck's body, attaching the wheels, and adding details like a tow hook or driver figure. Follow along for updates on this project.

20240616-161533 Toymakers Shop - Tow Truck - Wheels - Purple - Amber Shellac: The Perfect Finish for Toy Wheels

    My Five Truck Fleet When finishing toy wheels, I use Amber Shellac. It provides a beautiful, warm appearance and has practical benefits that make it ideal for kids' toys. One of the main reasons I favor shellac is that it doesn't mar the surfaces where the wheels roll. Unlike flat black paint, which can sometimes rub off and leave those pesky black marks behind, shellac stays put. The wheels I work with are typically made from end grain, which tends to soak up a considerable amount of shellac. There have been times when the shellac has soaked through the wheel. Shellac sprays beautifully straight from the can, but I prefer to apply it with a brush on the wheels. This method is less messy and gives me more control over the application. One common issue with dipping and spraying is that shellac can inadvertently get into the center holes of the wheels. Shellac inside the axle hole is crucial, as it can lead to glue failure when it comes time to attach the wheels to wooden ax...

20240616-154412 Toymakers Shop - Tow Truck - Purple

  My Five truck Fleet Painting can be a rewarding yet meticulous part of making a toy, especially when striving for a flawless finish. Applying the first coat of acrylic paint tends to raise the grain of the surface. To achieve a smooth finish, it’s essential to let the paint cure completely, followed by sanding to remove any imperfections before applying additional coats. The process is repeated until the desired finish is obtained. The perfect finish may take several days, as it largely depends on the color of the paint and weather conditions. Some colors, like yellow, require a white undercoat to shine their brightest. Without this base layer, the outcome may lack the vividness you envisioned. Every color and type of paint is different.

20240616-152053 Toymakers Shop - Tow Truck

  My Five Truck Fleet The handmade wooden toy tow truck body has been carefully sanded and is now ready for painting. I took my time to ensure that the body feels smooth to the touch and eliminated all sharp corners. The opening for the hook has been reshaped to accommodate the tow hook that will be added later.

20240615-154459 Toymakers Shop - Tow Truck

My Five Truck Fleet I am making a wooden toy tow truck for a custom order. I cut the truck body with a scroll saw, and I precisely drilled the axle holes using a drill press. To remove the pattern, I used mineral spirits to dissolve the spray adhesive that I had applied to attach the pattern to the wood. I flood the paper pattern with mineral spirits and, after waiting a short time, I can easily lift it off, leaving only a small amount of adhesive residue. This softened adhesive can be easily wiped away with a paper towel. Once I have removed the pattern, I let the body dry overnight before sanding.  

20240615-153710 Toymakers Shop - Tow Truck

My Five Truck Fleet I am creating a handmade wooden toy tow truck for a custom order. The photo shows the truck body, freshly cut with my scroll saw and drilled for the axles and tow hook. The window still needs to be cut. Since the window is an inside cut, a scroll saw is uniquely suited for this task. While I could drill a round window, it would completely change the toy's character. One of the most challenging aspects of this project is creating the space for the hook. To achieve this, I need to use flat, square pieces of wood that are well-sanded for a smooth finish. A precise layout is essential to ensure that the hook is accurately positioned and perfectly centered on the truck's body. This meticulous attention to detail enhances the toy's functionality and ensures it has an aesthetically pleasing look once completed.

Relieving Edges On A Handmade Wooden Toy Tow Truck Using Nail Files - 482847326

Nail files are just one of the tools I use to smooth and shape this wooden toy truck. Nail files are excellent tools to use for relieving edges.   Order Your Tow Truck Now My Five Truck Fleet Collection As the maker of these trucks, I take great pride in creating each. After cutting the truck body on my trusty scroll saw, I sanded and shaped it to perfection. My years of experience and attention to detail come into play. Using a nail file, I carefully remove sharp corners and smooth out bumps on the truck's edges. This step may seem small, but ensuring that each truck is safe and comfortable for little hands to play with is essential. Once the sanding and shaping are complete, I paint the truck in your chosen colors.

Handmade Wooden Toy Tow Truck Body - Drilled, Cut on a Scroll, and Ready to Sand - 482847326

  Order your tow truck here. The tow truck body has been meticulously crafted with utmost attention to detail, ensuring all components fit perfectly. The axle holes have been expertly drilled using a precision drill press, and the opening for the hook has been precisely cut, along with the hole for the pin. The body was meticulously cut on a scroll saw, with the utmost care taken to ensure that the cuts were clean and precise, and the patterns were then carefully removed to reveal the final shape of the tow truck body. All that's left now is to give the body a good sanding to smooth out any rough edges and ensure a flawless finish, and it'll be ready to paint.

Drilling Axle Holes In A Wooden Toy Tow Truck - 482847326

Drilling axle holes in a wooden toy tow truck using a drill press.   Buy This Tow Truck Drilling axle holes for 1/4-inch axles can be challenging, especially when I need three axle holes to be aligned perfectly and square to the bottom of the truck.  To ensure that the axle holes are square to the bottom of the truck, I align the drill press so that the table is square to the bit. This will help me achieve the perfect angle and precision required for the job. Once I have aligned the drill press, I must get the three holes to be the same distance from the bottom. I can do this by aligning the bottom of the truck body to the proper position, with the bottom of the truck tight against the fence. Next, I drill the holes with a brad point bit to ensure accuracy and smoothness. I adjust the drill press depth so that the bit's point protrudes from the bottom just enough to locate the exit point. Once all the holes are drilled, the truck body is turned over, and the hole is finished f...

Drilling The Opening For A Tow Truck Hook - 482847326

Order a Tow Truck Building this tow truck is a fun and engaging project for DIY enthusiasts, but it can also be challenging. One of the most critical steps in constructing a tow truck is cutting the space for the tow hook, which can be a tricky task. Over the years, I have experimented with various methods to cut the space for the tow hook, and drilling the 3/4-inch hole before cutting the body on my scroll saw works best. This approach minimizes the risk of tearout, a common problem when drilling after cutting. By drilling the hole before cutting, you can create a guide for the saw blade, making the cutting process more precise and straightforward. However, other options exist besides drilling before cutting using a drill press. Horizontal boring using a Shopsmith is another approach that I want to explore. Once you have cut the body, the opening still needs to be finished. This is where handwork comes in. I cut away space for the hook using files, rasps, and sandpaper. This process ...

Red Wooden Toy Tow Truck, Handmade and Painted in Your Choice of Colors and Amber Shellac, from Easy 5 Truck Fleet Collection 482847326

Red Wooden Toy Tow Truck, Handmade and Painted in Your Choice of Colors and Amber Shellac, from Easy 5 Truck Fleet Collection Buy Now: This handmade wooden toy dump truck is made to order. Many colors and finishes are available, including oils or no finish. Since the toy is made to order, I can paint it almost any color. Custom orders are welcome. The truck's body is hand-painted with your choice of acrylic paint, and the bed and wheels are finished with Amber Shellac. You can custom order other color combinations. All of the materials used in making my toys are nontoxic. This collection has five trucks: A Dump Truck, Lorry Truck, Box Truck, Flat Bed Lumber Truck, and Tow Truck. One of the trucks is a tow truck that can tow the other trucks. There is a hook under the front of all the trucks for towing. All of the trucks in the collection are available in my shop. Easy 5 Truck Fleet Collection