A flock of Turkeys In The Shop

Etsy Listing https://www.etsy.com/listing/743150641/ Animals https://www.etsy.com/shop/odinstoyfactory?search_query=animal Other Cutouts https://www.etsy.com/shop/odinstoyfactory?search_query=cutout Shop Front Page https://odinstoyfactory.etsy.com I almost sold out of these turkeys, and several people have them in their shopping carts, so it was time to make more. I usually don't make this many in a batch, but the wood I am using to make these usually yields poorly. I expect to have up to 50% of the birds wind up as designer kindling due to defects that I can't detect until the turkey is cut. Much to my surprise, this time, every one of them made it to the final cut. Initially, the turkeys were a custom order used for kids to make Thanksgiving decor for their parents. I make the birds from construction grade 1x wood. After I cut them, I sand the parts smoothly and soften all the edges while checking for defects at each step. The turkeys are ready to paint or use as-is for rusti...