Making A Dragon In My To Makers Shop 980709962

Completed wooden toy dragon ready to finish sitting on my Shopsmith belt sander table. I make this dragon to order. This dragon is my latest build. You can order one of these dragons in my Goimagine Shop . After collecting and cutting the wood to size, I attach the paper pattern to the wood and drill the required holes. I have learned that if I cut the body first and then drill the holes, and the bit catches, I can easily break the part. The dragon's original design called for holes drilled through the neck, which was too weak. I now drill the holes 1/4 inch deep and pug them with contrasting wood that I cut and sand flush. Now, there are inlaid spots instead of holes, and the neck is much stronger. After sanding the back so the pegs are flush, I cut out the body on my scroll saw. This dragon's wings will be a different color from the legs. I am curious to know what kind of wood this is; it came from a box of cutoffs a friend gave me. Cutting the legs for some 1/2" of da...