Wood Toy Car, Model-T Sedan, Handmade and Painted with Bright Green and Yellow Acrylic and Amber Shellac, Bad Bob's Custom Motors Collection 667509705

Wood Toy Car, Model-T Sedan, Handmade and Painted with Bright Green and Yellow Acrylic and Amber Shellac, Bad Bob's Custom Motors Collection Buy Now: https://www.etsy.com/listing/667509705/ I make my toys by hand in my toymakers shop using traditional woodworking tools. This toy car is hand-painted with Bright Green and Yellow acrylic paint, and Amber Shellac colors were chosen by my grandson, Odin. All of the materials I use in making my toys are nontoxic. Approximate Size: Length: 5 inches Height: 4 inches Width: 2.5 Inches Other sizes and colors are available via custom orders. Request Custom Order https://www.etsy.com/conversations/new?with_id=81938978&ref=shop_contact_items Other Items You May Like Bad Bob's Custom Motors Collection https://www.etsy.com/shop/odinstoyfactory?search_query=Bad+Bob Toy Cars: https://www.etsy.com/shop/odinstoyfactory?section_id=34653279 Toy Trucks: https://www.etsy.com/shop/odinstoyfactory?section_id=34653279 Shop Front Page: https://odins...