20240616-154412 Toymakers Shop - Tow Truck - Purple

A handmade wooden toy tow truck body is painted purple.

 My Five truck Fleet

Painting can be a rewarding yet meticulous part of making a toy, especially when striving for a flawless finish. Applying the first coat of acrylic paint tends to raise the grain of the surface. To achieve a smooth finish, it’s essential to let the paint cure completely, followed by sanding to remove any imperfections before applying additional coats. The process is repeated until the desired finish is obtained.

The perfect finish may take several days, as it largely depends on the color of the paint and weather conditions. Some colors, like yellow, require a white undercoat to shine their brightest. Without this base layer, the outcome may lack the vividness you envisioned. Every color and type of paint is different.


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