What Speed Do I Need To Use When Cutting With My Scroll Saw


Handmade Wooden Toy Dinosaur Cut On My Scroll Saw

My Dinosaur Collection

From Steve Good Blog Post Edited grammer and punctuation,

Another similar question concerns setting the speed on a variable-speed scroll saw. When I get a new saw, I determine the maximum speed at which the saw cuts without too much vibration. This is often just slightly below full speed. I run at that maximum speed unless I cut fragile wood, 1/8" or thinner. The thin wood gives little resistance to the blade, making it easy to make miscuts. If that is what I am cutting, I do one of two things: slow the saw's speed down or stack cuts to add resistance.

None of the above advice is an unbreakable rule. Saws are different, people get a different feel from the cuts, and blades are different. My best advice to a new scroller is to try different techniques and use what feels best. You'll learn which blades work best for various cuts, wood, and patterns with practice and experimentation. Remember to take your time, be patient, and enjoy the process!


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