My First Scroll Saw was an AMT 1600


AMT 1600 Scroll Saw
AMT 1600 Scroll Saw

My first scroll saw was this AMT 1600 purchased in the early eighties.  It used pin-end blades. I soon discovered when I started cutting fretwork that I needed a saw that uses pinless blades. I was able to purchase a modification kit that let me use pinless blades.  Changing blades and making through cuts was a bit of a chore, but I didn't know any better at the time. The saw cut great and was capable of cutting smooth glass cuts in hardwoods. I made toys, fretwork, and chess pieces using this saw. I gave it away a few years ago after purchasing an Excalibur EX21. 

The blower was net to useless an was replaced with an aquarium pump.

The stand was a Craftsman Universal tool stand I purchased from Sears.

There are many AMT scroll saws for sale used, and they will do quite well for a beginner.



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